Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tata turns 93!

For my Tata's 93rd birthday we spent about an hour driving around the west valley, so that he could tell us about the area where he grew up and worked.  We drove from Avondaleto Wadell to Surprise to El Mirage back to Avondale.  He talked about the the things that used to be in the various areas and many places where there was nothing was fields.  Looking at the area now, it's hard to believe how different it was for my Tata back then.  He may be 93, but he is still as sharp as can be, just wish his body was giving out on him.  Happy birthday, Tata!  I love you!

Mom & Tata

Alexandra, Briana and Tati

Patti and Tata

Pita and Tata

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