Saturday, July 10, 2010

Another Summer, Another trip to California

Well, summer has arrived and is in full swing.  We spent time with family and friends visiting places around the valley, including the Heard Museum, a first for all of us.  We started the summer thinking our very good friends, the Morenos, would be moving to Pittsburgh, but they are not moving, after all!  That made us VERY happy!  The kids attended SJV Summer camp and had lots of fun.  And of course, there is swimming.  What is it with water?

The kids and I went away last weekend, spending and celebrating Patti's birthday at Disneyland for a couple of days.  It was nice and not very crowded, at all.  Not what I expected for the 4th of July weekend.  We then drove down for San Diego for the night, spending time with Yesenia, LJ and Tonito, and with my Tia Carmen and all her fun family.  It's been way too long since we spent some time with them.

Now the kids and I are again getting ready for another trip to California.  We are going to spend a couple of days in Oxnard and then drive to Universal Sudios.  We are finally celebrating Celeste's graduation from the 8th grade.

Hard to believe that the start of school is right around the corner.  We we get back from CA we'll be preparing for our school's registration dates, buying uniforms and before you know it, actually starting school.

August is also a big month for all of us.  We have several birthdays to celebrate.  It starts out with Joshua on 8/3, then Celeste on 8/6, Anthony, 8/8 and finally, Andres on 8/12. 

Hope everyone is doing well! Talk to you soon!


E said...

What a cute picture!
Glad you are all keeping happy and busy. :)
Andres is my husband's name.
Not AHN-dray, but Ahn-DRES. (you know how to say it right! LOL)

Maria said...

I'm the only one who called him Andres. Everyone else calls him "Gordo," his nickname. Love your blog, BTW. You and your sister-in-laws are so good at journaling. Alexandra and I loke to hear you sing, too. =)