Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Joshua PROMOTED to High School

My how time flies!  Seems like yesterday that Joshua decided that 8 months time in the womb was more than enough, so he made his debut in the world.  Fast forward 13 years and he's graduating from 8th.  He is officially part of the St. John Vianney Class of 2017.

He started SJV when he was 4, in Preschool.  Here he (and the family) met some life long friends:  Noah, Chris, Abbygail, and Paul. Below is Joshua with Mrs. Zueleger on the last day of Preschool in 2006.

Now he is a graduate.  He is growing up too fast.  Both kids are! My heart melts.  Yes they get on my nerves every now and then, but my they are my heart.  Here's Joshua on the day of his 8th grade graduation.  Pictures with friends and teachers.